Elections in Indonesia have taken place since 1955. At a national level, Indonesian people elect a head of state – the president – and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term, as are the 550-member people's representatives council Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, DPR) and the 128-seat Regional representatives council (Dewan Perwakilan Daerah).
The Council is elected by proportional representation from multi-candidate constituenciesUnder Indonesia's has multy party system, no one party has yet been able to secure an outright victory, meaning that parties work together in coalition governments.
In the 2009, general election will be held on 9 april. it's mean that election which usually called citizenry party is coming soon. many people around the indonesian archipelago still waiting for that moment. they will elect their new leader, their new president and especially their new expectation. For a very long time indonesian society have been wait to change their destiny. As we know that for five years SBY-JK hand, the poor society in indonesia still occupied in majority circle. almost 75% inhabitat in indonesia are poor people and still many man who unemployee. this case become a very big homework for indonesian goverment. can they make the new revolution to improve those condition?. As a part of pegel (persatuan golongan ekonomi lemah) we have many expectation to the new leader latter. not only wait and see but we also wait and do to change. InsyaAllah
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banyak hal yang kita temui pada pemilu kali ini yang benar-benar beda jauh dengan pemilu-pemilu sebelumnya. entah kecurangan dan ketelodoran para pelaksana pemilu ini benar-bar kentara dengan ketidak profesionalan dalam penyelenggaran pemilu kalie ini. syukur-syukur para caleg bisa ngademin kepala dan hatinya untuk siap menerima hasil dari pemilu nih. kalo ada yang sterss ya... lumrah lah.. jangan sok caleg buang-buang uang lalu banyak nabungin hutang di mana-mana. lebih-lebih yang sudah pada ngasih iming-iming kepada rakyat baik berupa money polotik atu bagi semaboko e...malah rakyat disuruh balik modal. itu gak fair dan cerdas mas...namanya. apalagi jadi Aleg nanti..! malah jadi koruptor kelas kakap yang menjilat lidah rakyat. ya.. sebagai orang yang cinta dengan negeri ini Q hanya berharap untuk General election ini harus benar-benar menampung aspirasi rakyat dan tidak menimbulkan disintegrasi antar sesama rakyat toh tujuan pemilu ini kan dari rakyat untuk rakyat dan oleh rakyat.
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